Schema on Read (Legacy)

Introduced in v9.1.1

Phase I

Access Structured Data in your logs without Extraction. With DQL, you can now access JSON and structured Key Value fields without extraction.

  • Non-extracted fields are referred to in the query with @ prefix instead of $ prefix.

  • @ fields can be used in _fetch selection, where and group clauses alongside extracted fields



For JSON logs you can add @ prefix i.e. @fieldname to extract the field details of that particular column.

Example 1

_fetch @userIdentity.type from event where $Stream=CLOUDTRAIL group timeslice 1m limit 10

This query will retrieve all the UserIdentity.type fields for each event where $Stream=CLOUDTRAIL in the last one minute. The output will be displayed as below.

image 1-Dec-06-2023-09-17-05-7852-AM

Example 2

_fetch * from event where $Stream=CLOUDTRAIL group count_unique @requestParameters.filterSet.items[0].name limit 10

This query will retrieve all the Requestparameters.Filterset.Items.Name fields for each event where $Stream=CLOUDTRAIL. The result set is grouped by unique values of RequestparametersFiltersetItems0Name along with a count (count_unique) for each.The output will be displayed as below:

image 2-Dec-06-2023-09-17-18-6804-AM

Key Value


_fetch * from event where $Stream=FIREWALL AND $Duration=5m AND $SourceName=FORTIGATE group count_unique @devname,@srcip limit 0

This query will retrieve all the $Devname and $srcip where $Stream is Firewall and $Sourcename is Fortigate. The output will be displayed as below.

image 3-Dec-06-2023-09-17-30-0098-AM