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Updated: Cybersecurity Directive 70B by CERT-In, 2022

Recommendations for Critical Infrastructure and how DNIF HYPERCLOUD can help enterprises get compliance quickly and cost-efficiently.

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has released new cybersecurity directions for reporting cyber security events, recording and maintaining KYC information, transaction information for exchanges, recording of customer details by VPN providers, data centres, cloud services providers, and guidance for retention of logs in Indian jurisdiction.

Learn more with Frequently Asked Questions

180 DAYS

Retain Logs for 180 Days in India

DNIF HYPERCLOUD provides a default retention of 365 days, which outbeats the CERT-In requirement. Using the Indian region will ensure log events are retained in India.


Report Incidents within 6 Hrs

DNIF HYPERCLOUD has the ability to detect complex threats instantly. Incidents can correlated and reported to CERT-In using automated integrations and investigation workflows. All events and information required by CERT-In are aligned without any effort on the user end.


Synchronise Clocks with Agencies

DNIF HYPERCLOUD maintains clock synchronisation with NIC and is able cascade these to other customer devices integrated. Save the time and effort in this process.


Share Information with CERT-In

DNIF HYPERCLOUD allows the user to instantly search and retrieve events across the last 365 days and share raw events as well as signals with CERT-In.


Detect / Report Mandatory Incidents

Identify and report on all the mandatory incidents identified by CERT-In, with 500+ use cases, UEBA and machine learning modules built in to the platform. 


Here’s why DNIF is a good fit

icons8-fast-forward-96 Rapid Onboarding Integrate your devices without having to perform any setup or configurations or writing any parsers. Go live over a weekend !
icons8-centralized-network-96 300+ Integrations Integrate threat intelligence, inventory databases, ticketing systems and respond to threats by integrating with security devices and agencies.
icons8-id-verified-96 Airtight Security DNIF HYPERCLOUD is SOC2, ISO27001, AWS WAR, AWS FTR certified, the infrastructure uses the most stringent benchmarks.
icons8-cheap-2-96 Cost Efficient One integrated cost for SIEM, SOAR, UEBA and 365 days of log retention. Innovation to achieve the lowest operating cost.

Let's Connect

Who is the directive for?

Below are the institutions identified by the Indian CERT.

  • Service providers such as telecom / network / Internet service providers, web-hosting and related services like cloud providers, crypto exchanges and wallets, etc.
  • Intermediaries like web commerce platforms, payment providers, and API providers.
  • Body corporates, which is defined as any company including firms as well as proprietorships
  • Data centres
  • Government organisations
Can DNIF automate response actions? DNIF HYPERCLOUD has an inbuilt SOAR that integrates with validation and response plugins within the framework.
Can DNIF store logs for more than a year? Yes - that can be done using a custom plan, but yes it is possible. Moreover all the data in the extended time window will also remain active and queryable.
Is there a discount available? DNIF HYPERCLOUD is a cloud native service that turns out to be cheaper than the total cost of ownership for on-premise setups. To your question - Yes we do offer great discounts, but that can start only when you fill up the above form..... looking forward to the conversation.